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March is a month dedicated to nutrition. Across the country, health and food stakeholders come together to organize media events and activities to raise awareness about the role of food in maintaining and improving our health and well-being. This issue is particularly important in Outaouais where 55% of households do not eat enough fresh and healthy food on a daily basis.

Partout à travers le Canada, le mois de mars est consacré à la nutrition . D’un bout à l’autre du pays, les acteurs du milieu de la santé et de l’alimentation s’unissent afin d’organiser des événements et des activités médiatiques pour sensibiliser la population au rôle de l’alimentation dans le maintien et l’amélioration de la santé et du bien-être. Cet enjeux est particulièrement important dans la région de l’Outaouais puisque près de 55% des ménages de la région ne consomment pas suffisamment d’aliments frais et sains au quotidien.

Did you know

Because of the many benefits they provide, fruits and vegetables feature prominently in Canada's new Food Guide.

The best way to source fresh and healthy food is directly from local producers. Visit our local food directory.

Did you know

Unfortunately, many people in Outaouais do not have access to fresh food on a daily basis. This is a situation that happens too often.

Did you know

Several initiatives, including collective kitchens, exist to help households to have access to healthy food.


In this section, you will find information related to consumption, collective kitchens, healthy lifestyles and, of course, delicious products from our region. You will also discover healthy recipes, commented by nutritionists, featuring local products & tips and advice to promote your health and that of your whole family, information on local producers, and links to other sites of interest.

In this video section, you’ll meet local businesses that care about your health. You’ll also find video capsules, produced in partnership with the Outaouais Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSSO) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ) about healthy lifestyle.

Visit the health section to find short informative capsules on food waste, but also on several other subjects related to healthy eating.

For more information on healthy eating for all, reducing food waste or community-supported agriculture, here are some interesting and useful sites:

Table de concertation sur la faim et le développement social de l’Outaouais
Le Regroupement des cuisines collectives du Québec
La situation de la sécurité alimentaire en Outaouais
Agriculture soutenue par la communauté – Équiterre
Carte communautaire de la faim en Outaouais
Escouade Anti-gaspillage de l’Outaouais
Sauve ta bouffe